Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Case Of Thomas Green Power, Office Politics, And A...

Power is commonly defined as the capacity or ability to influence others (McShane Von Glinow, 2015, p. 284), whether that power is derived from a person, team or organization. Power, therefore is a necessary component to effective organizational behavior. Large organizations experience a great deal of power shifts as personnel changes are made. These inevitable shifts have the potential of creating interpersonal conflicts, as work performance is often measure by past successes. When a person steps into a new position within an organization, understanding office politics and sources of power utilized by their superiors may be necessary in effective assimilation into the new position. In the case of Thomas Green, as detailed in the article titled, Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis (Sasser Beckham, 2008), Green’s failure to recognize the sources of power already established led his own diminishing personal power within the organization and jeopar dized his employment. This paper evaluates the sources of power within Dynamic Displays’ organization and provides analysis for increased effectiveness. Frank Davis was a 17-year veteran of Dynamic Displays. He demonstrated loyalty and competence within the organization, acquired a great deal of knowledge and experience in his field and was promoted from the position Thomas Green would move into. It is evident that Davis received the confidence of Shannon McDonald, the Vice President of theShow MoreRelatedCase Study Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis†907 Words   |  4 PagesProblem: In the case of â€Å"Thomas Green: power, office politics, and a career in Crisis†, it describes the dilemma of Thomas Green who works in a company called Dynamic Display. Thomas was recruited as an account executive, and then five months later, he was promoted as a Senior Market Specialist directly by the President Shannon McDonald. Thomas’s boss Frank Davis hadn’t expected to choose Green as the new senior market specialist, and he was very dissatisfied with Green’s work style and performanceRead MoreThomas Green : Power, Office Politics And A Career Growth At The Corporate Headquarters Of Dynamic Displays1587 Words   |  7 Pagesgreat opportunities for career growth. In the Harvard Business School Brief Case â€Å"Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis,† recently promoted Senior Market Specialist Thomas Green sought to achieve great career growth at the corporate headquarters of Dynamic Displays. Unfortunately, Greenâ₠¬â„¢s personality and work style were too dissimilar from manager Frank Davis’ expectations. As a result, Green is left with a career crisis where his ambitious career growth with Dynamic DisplaysRead MoreThomas Green Essay1336 Words   |  6 PagesThomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis Individual Case Analysis Kay Saeteurn BUSA 305-01 Dr. Catherine Pratt November 17, 2008 Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis Individual Case Analysis Power is the capability that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes,[1] especially dependency power where a certain individual has something of importance, scarcity, and non substitutable, that another person seeksRead MoreThomas Greene Paper1050 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: THOMAS GREEN PAPER Thomas Green Paper Cotina Taylor Grand Canyon University-LDR 610 August 15, 2012 Thomas Green Paper A person’s success in the organization not only depends on his or her personality but it is also based on how well he or she resolves conflicts. 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Whether this tension stems from your peers in the workplace or even the managers superior to you, it takes a great deal of effort to ensure that the transition of roles in the workplace is as smooth as possible. In the Harvard Business School case â€Å"Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis,† Thomas Green, recently promoted S enior Market Specialist at Dynamic DisplaysRead MoreEssay on Thomas Green Case Study2780 Words   |  12 PagesThe case starts with the result of a problem that has been brewing for months-Thomas Green’s faltering career has transitioned from the fast track to a destination of potential unemployment. We sought to analyze the factors leading up to this rapid downward spiral and what other challenges were present in the situation. We identified some of the underlying causes, and developed potential solutions and how to apply them to rectify the challenges Green is experiencing. 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Evaluate strategies for constructive conflict resolution. 4. Consider a framework for developing a productive relationship with one’s boss. DISCUSSION ïÆ'’ Thomas Green’s situation. 1. The differences in work styles

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